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Cancer Interventions

What Are Cancer Interventions?

Cancer interventions encompass a range of medical treatments and procedures aimed at diagnosing, treating, and managing cancer. These interventions are tailored to the type and stage of cancer, with the goal of controlling the disease, improving quality of life, and enhancing survival rates.

Benefits of Cancer Interventions

Disease Control

Effective management and reduction of cancerous growths.

Symptom Relief

Alleviates symptoms and improves overall comfort and quality of life.

Enhanced Survival

Improves survival rates and long-term outcomes through advanced treatments.

Personalized Care

Tailored treatment plans based on cancer type, stage, and individual patient needs.

Key Treatments for Tumour Intervention

Thyroid Goitre :-

Purpose:To reduce blood flow to the goitre, shrinking its size.
How It Works: A catheter is used to inject substances that block the thyroid arteries, cutting off blood supply.

Thyroid Artery Embolisation :-

Purpose:To reduce blood flow to the goitre, shrinking its size.
How It Works: A catheter is used to inject substances that block the thyroid arteries, cutting off blood supply.

Alcohol Ablation :-

Purpose:To treat goitre by causing tissue shrinkage.
How It Works: Alcohol is injected into the goitre to induce necrosis and reduce its size.

Liver Tumour :-

Purpose:To target and destroy liver tumours.
How It Works: Chemotherapy drugs are delivered directly to the tumour via the hepatic artery, often combined with embolisation to block blood supply.

Renal Tumour :-

Purpose: To reduce blood flow to the tumour before surgery.
How It Works: A catheter is used to inject substances that block the blood vessels feeding the tumour, making surgical removal easier and safer.

Uterine Fibroid :-

Purpose:To shrink or eliminate fibroids in the uterus.
How It Works: Tiny particles are injected into the uterine arteries to block blood flow to the fibroids, causing them to shrink.

Juvenile Nasoangiofibroma :-

Purpose:To reduce the size of the nasoangiofibroma before surgery.
How It Works: A catheter is used to deliver embolic agents to the blood vessels supplying the tumour, reducing its size and vascularity.

Types of Cancer Interventions

  1. Surgery :-
  • Purpose:-Remove tumors and affected tissue.
  • Procedure:- Surgical options include tumor resection, debulking (removing part of a tumor), and in some cases, organ removal (e.g., mastectomy for breast cancer). Surgery is often combined with other treatments for optimal outcomes.

2. Radiation Therapy:-

  • Purpose:-Destroy cancer cells with targeted radiation.
  • Procedure:-High-energy radiation is directed at the cancerous area using external beam radiation or internal radiation (brachytherapy) to kill or shrink tumors. It can be used alone or with other treatments.

3. Chemotherapy:-

  • Purpose:-Target and kill rapidly dividing cancer cells.
  • Procedure:-Systemic treatment using drugs administered orally or intravenously to treat cancer throughout the body. Chemotherapy is often used to treat cancers that have spread or are at risk of recurrence.

4. Immunotherapy:-

  • Purpose:- Enhance the body’s immune system to fight cancer.
  • Procedure:-Utilizes medications or biological agents to stimulate or restore the immune system’s ability to recognize and attack cancer cells. Includes checkpoint inhibitors, CAR-T cell therapy, and monoclonal antibodies.

5. Hormone Therapy :-

  • Purpose:-Block or modify hormone activity to slow cancer growth.
  • Procedure:-Used primarily for cancers sensitive to hormones, such as breast or prostate cancer. Medications or surgical approaches reduce or block hormone production to inhibit tumor growth.

  1. Targeted Therapy:-
  • Purpose:-Target specific molecules involved in cancer growth.
  • Procedure:-Uses drugs or other substances to precisely target and interfere with cancer cell growth pathways. Includes tyrosine kinase inhibitors and other molecular targeted therapies.

  1. Stem Cell Transplantation:-
  • Purpose:-Replace damaged bone marrow with healthy stem cells.
  • Procedure:-Involves high-dose chemotherapy or radiation followed by transplantation of stem cells to restore bone marrow function. Used for blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma.

  1. Clinical Trials:-
  • Purpose:-Test new treatments and therapies.
  • Procedure:Participating in clinical trials allows patients access to cutting-edge treatments and contributes to advancing cancer care. Trials may involve new drugs, combination therapies, or novel approaches.

Treatment decisions are based on cancer type, stage, patient health, and other factors. A multidisciplinary team of specialists will recommend the best approach.

Side effects vary depending on the type of intervention but may include nausea, fatigue, hair loss, and increased risk of infection. Supportive care is provided to manage these effects.

 Many cancers can be effectively treated and managed, with some patients achieving remission or cure. Treatment success depends on cancer type, stage, and individual factors

 Strategies include medications, lifestyle adjustments, and supportive therapies. Your care team will provide guidance on managing specific side effects.

Advances in cancer research lead to new therapies and clinical trials. Discussing options with your oncologist can provide information on the latest treatments.